Poco M2 Pro (Review) debuted in India at a starting price of Rs 13,999. The smartphone comes with a 5,000 mAh battery that supports 33W fast charging, Snapdragon 720G processor and a 48 MP quad-camera setup at the back. The smartphone will go on sale today on Flipkart at 12 pm. Poco M2 Pro pricing, availability Poco M2 Pro comes in three storage variants: 4 GB RAM + 64 GB storage variant, priced at Rs 13,999, 6 GB RAM + 64 GB storage variant, priced at Rs 14,999 and 6 GB RAM and 128 GB storage variant, priced at Rs 16,999. The smartphone comes in Out of the Blue, Green and Greener and two Shades of Black colour variants. Set the alarm. Only 2 hours to go for the first sale of #POCOM2Pro . Sale starts today at 12PM on @Flipkart . Can you #FeelTheSurge ? Know more: https://t.co/oJG2yPgziO pic.twitter.com/Sxth8nTYyM — #POCOForIndia (@IndiaPOCO) July 14, 2020 You can purchase the smartphone today at 12 pm on Flipkart . Poco M2 Pro specifications Poco M2 Pro features...