Last month, Xiaomi debuted its Note 8 series in India , which included the 64 MP Redmi Note 8 Pro (review) and the 48 MP Redmi Note 8 (Review) smartphone. Today, at 12 pm, the Redmi Note 8 will go on sale on Amazon India and the company's website . Redmi Note 8 pricing and sale offers Redmi Note 8 comes in two storage and RAM variant — the 4 GB RAM + 64 GB storage variant is priced at Rs 9,999, and the 6 GB RAM + 128 GB storage variant is priced at Rs 12,999. Redmi Note 8 comes in four colour options: Space Black, Moonlight White, Neptune Blue, and Cosmic Purple. (Also read: Redmi Note 8 review: If you're spending 10k, this is the smartphone to buy ) On the Amazon India landing page for the Redmi Note 8 , a sale offer is also listed, wherein Airtel subscriber will get up to 1,120 GB 4G data and unlimited calling. You can also get a 10 percent discount if you make the payment via the HDFC Bank debit card. You can purchase the smartphone from Mi...